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Haifa Haj-Eid Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08


This is an unjust move to limit flexibilities and insurance for our future and retirement. Inverse funds help those of us who do not have millions and cannot gain access to our 401K to safeguard it from the market crashing. I understand that it is a risk to invest in inverse funds; however, that is a risk that I understand, and I am willing to make. There is risk in any investment. It's a gamble; I would not put money that I cannot afford to lose. I don't make bets with money that I need to pay the bills and I would not jeopardize my retirement. Limiting my options because regulators believe that I am ignorant of the funds' risks and assume that I am unable to make an educated and thoughtful investment is shortsighted. I do not need my hand held to know what is best for me and my financial future.