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Guy Monteleone Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Guy Monteleone

Regulators should not be able to choose what public investments are right for investors. Its our money not yours. By doing so youre only taking care of special interest groups funding your campaigns and lining your pockets with perks for their personal gain, therefore crushing the very people trying to get ahead financially in life! Who do you work for, the people or the evil specialist interest groups who are corrupt? What happens to us investors who are invested in crypto funds currently! We lose our investments! Is that right to do to hard working Americans? What will you say to God when its your time to meet him? What will he say to you and where do feel he will send you for your final resting place? Heaven or Hell? Its time to stop the corruption in this country and do whats right for hard working citizens. For the love of God do whats right. Lastly, Public investments should be available to all of the public, not just the privileged!