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Greg Nelson Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Greg Nelson

Hello - It has been brought to my attention that FINRA is considering taking action against "complex products" which include leveraged and inverse funds. Leveraged funds are important to my investment strategy. I use them as a limited part of my portfolio with the goal of seeking enhanced returns. It should be my option to choose which investments are right for me and my family. I'm not ok with FINRA or anyone else deciding which tools I use to build my financial 'house'. I am ok with an extra pop-up or alert from the broker. But there should not be any extra process like passing a test or demonstrating a high net worth. You've already taken away many alternative investment options using those requirements. I am fully capable of understanding leveraged funds and their risks. The regulators have done their job, they have made it so useful information is presented in a similar manner, and risks are highlighted through a prospectus and other filings. Those who decide to manage their own investments don't need or want more tools taken away!