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Greg Kennedy Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Greg Kennedy

Risk and reward go together in Free Enterprise. The responsibility to understand risk and then willingness to engage are an individual's prerogative. Those of us who are educated, responsible, and recognize the downside should be allowed to invest in leveraged funds. I am somewhat offended that people who don't understand the risk "cry foul" when they don't get the result they expected, expecting someone to save them from their poor financial management.

I use a systemic rebalancing plan using leveraged ETFs. I have a MBA. I'm a long-time investor. Using these products is key to my financial plan and are therefore very important to me and my family.

From an equity perspective, restricting these funds to already affluent segments of society is classist and cuts short the aspirations of those of us who use these funds responsibly. Please keep these funds available to all investors.