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Glenn Hashiguchi Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Glenn Hashiguchi

Let me ask you, who gives you the authority to determine if any investments are too complex for me? You're supposed to protect me from unscrupulous brokers. So now you're protecting me from myself? I am an individual investor.

So now I'm too stupid to not educate myself on investing? I need you to make me:
1. Pass a regulator-imposed test of your specialized investment knowledge

2. Demonstrate a high net worth
Why do I need to prove this? If I'm investing in $500 in an inverse fund, why do I need a high net worth?

3. Get special approval from your broker
I'm with my current brokers so I can do my own trades. If I want a baby sitter I'll go work for FINRA!!!

4. Attest to reading certain materials
What I to know is what materials you've read that qualifies you to regulate individual investors/traders instead of brokers.
5. Go through cooling off periods during which you cant invest
How do you know that there's even a cooling off period I need? What does this have to do with trading certain assets/funds? If this is the case why don't you have cooling off periods for all asset classes like Forex, futures, options, stocks, commodities, cryptocurrencys and everything else.