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Gervase Eline Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Gervase Eline

The(Your) tentative unnecessary regulatory interference, deemed potential unwarranted regulatory adjustments, by the majority of investors in U.S. financial Markets', and the/their use of 'free-trading' instruments in the purchase and sale of, ie., Currencies, Commodities, Bonds, Notes, Stocks, ETF's, etc., such as and in particular, those 'instruments' that operate in our financial Markets using/applying methods of 'Inversion/Inversing, and/or leveraging' in their market functioning and performance, ie., ETF's(Index based funds) such as 'UltraPro, UltraPro Short, and/or Ultra Short Pro Shares 500, that may or may not sell against or 'short' various major market indices, have and share-in (and if not, should have...) the legal right(s) to be utilized by All U.S. investors, and to function/ operate in a free Capitalistic Market environment, Not Overally (Unfairly) obstructed/regulated by Governmental type bureaucratic agencies, Dept's., etc! I have enjoyed being a ProShares client/shareholder since 2017 and look forward to many more years of doing business with Them, that is, if They are still permitted to continue operating in a free and Not overally regulated type Market environment.
FINRA, I/we All would Very much appreciate Your allowing things(ProShares Trust's market investment operations and Their current Client/Shareholders business relationships ) to remain intact and continue on, unfettered.
Sincerely, G.F.Eline