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George Thompson Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

George Thompson

Dear FINRA, I oppose this legislation because you are instituting more constraints on my freedom to manage my investments as I see fit. We already must review and sign documents from our broker informing us of the risks and potential losses on all leveraged investments before we can purchase those investments. In fact, I had to state my investment objectives were "most aggressive" to Fidelity in order to buy a little downside protection for one of my accounts (VIXX). No one is forcing us to buy these types of investments and there are already many regulatory hurdles to my freedom to invest. I realize you believe you are "protecting investors" but, there is so much information available to all investors now, there is no one to blame but the investor for their missteps. I'm okay with attesting to reading educational materials & warnings about my potential investments but you should not limit my ability to invest in these vehicles because I don't meet your definition of "high net worth". You already prevent me from using private equity because I don't meet your definition of high net worth. These leveraged vehicles provide ballast to my risk parity portfolios, dampening the volatility due to their low or negative correlation with my other investments. We don't need more regulations from our "nanny state". Let us live and learn. 'Nuff said ...