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George Allen Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

George Allen

I am 80 years old and retired last Friday, living on Social Security and investment income. I do not want government regulators to say what I can and cannot invest in. The two inverse leveraged ETF positions I currently hold in my IRA are up 4.14% and 15.15% since purchase. The one inverse leveraged ETF position I have in my brokerage account is up 41.78% since purchase. In this down market, my entire 401K is invested a MetLife Stable Value Fund which is up 0.52% YTD. So, please do not tell me I do not know what I'm doing and please do not limit my freedom to invest. This administration, working with big tech and big media, has already taken away or limited our constitutional rights. Don't pile more restrictions on my freedom to invest in any legal instrument. It would be un-American to do so.