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Geoffrey Hudson Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Geoffrey Hudson

I'm writing to register my alarm that FINRA is considering restricting leveraged/inverse funds to only certain investors. This is wrong on many counts, as well as requiring classes or passing tests, which amount to hurdles for the public. Many people, self included, use these kinds of investments to increase returns knowing full well they involve extra risks. I believe we're on the cusp of a major breakdown in financial markets (& real estate) worldwide, & have invested a small portion of my assets in such a fund to help protect my financial situation. You DON'T know my financial situation, or many millions of other investors, so why [REDACTED] would you think by limiting my choices that you're doing me a favor? I fully understand the risks. Go after the precious metals manipulators if you're looking for a project. Start with JPMorgan. They've been getting away with it for decades. Do your REAL job, and give average investors a chance to protect themselves instead of acting like benevolent babysitters.