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Fred Price Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Fred Price

PLEASE< PLEASE< PLEASE DO NOT TAKE MY ABILITY AWAY TO BUY AND SELL LEVERAGED/INVERSED PRODUCTS. My Social Security Benefits does not pay me nearly enough to live off of. I am 68 years old and have been investing/trading for 22 years without a personal broker. I feel public investments should be available to all of the public,
I invest in stocks and ETFs (BOTH LONG AND SHORT) at the same time to keep my portfolio balanced. I then write/sell (out of money) covered calls on these ETFs to produce cash in my accounts and I rely on that cash to live off of. I rely on these funds for my retirement. I reserve the right to manage my own money including my brokerage funds. Please do not tie my hands and prevent me from access to these products. Please do not assume that I am not as smart as you or that I am not capable of handling my own funds. THANK YOU,FRED