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Fred Daus Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Fred Daus

Dear Sirs,
I as an investor am against additional regulation concerning the leveraged and inversed leveraged funds. I use these types of important investments as part of my strategy to reduce market risk in my portfolio while using less investment to produce the intended results. I have the right to invest my money in investments that are right for my family's circumstances and to protect my portfolio. I am a capable individual who understands the risks and rewards of investing in these types of funds. For my purposes it is much more convenient to use these funds to essentially add exposure to key markets or reduce exposure to key markets. For the reasons above, I oppose restrictions based on knowledge, net worth, special approvals, attestations and cooling off periods. I want to be on as much of a even playing field as possible in relation to the privileged and the removal of tools that I and other investors use to limit risk is not acceptable. Thank you for your time and consideration in this matter.