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Frank Yen Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Frank Yen

I want to be able to choose public investments that I deem appropriate for my long term financial objectives. I believe this is my privilege which should not be restricted in any way against my will.
I have been a long term investor of leveraged index ETF, not a trader or hedger or market timer, since the inception of leveraged index ETFs. Leveraged ETFs are important to my investment strategy. A leveraged index ETF is diversified, with minimum market risk and enhanced return when used as a limited part of my overall portfolio, which is what I am seeking for myself, and for my family and my heirs.
My investment time horizon is for 25 years or longer, my objective is the resultant of market growth from A to B, therefore market fluctuations in between is non-consequential in my investment strategy.
I believe in US economy growth, in the long run. I also believe in US market indices are a fair representation of US economy growth, in the long run. Market indices have characteristics, like personalities, that do not change, in the long run. The life time charts of US market indices would confirm their characteristics are growth, in the long run. This is the basis of my investment strategy. In the long run, there is no risk, only growth with the US economy. Why this freedom of choosing an investment vehicle of my will would be restricted or limited in any way? This is unbelievable!
I sincerely and respectfully request that the proposed regulations against leveraged ETFs be eliminated entirely.