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Frank Ellis Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Frank Ellis

I am entitled to my choice of investments, be they leveraged, inverse, or crypto. Those with opinions that I must be denied my right to freely invest in any investment that I choose must be removed from positions in the government. Such limitations of rights are typical of dictatorships, whereas this is supposed to be a free country, granting freedom of choice equally to all investors. Every investor is responsible for their own decisions, choices, and elections. No opinionated government employee, regulator, or bureaucrat shall deny a citizen the right to a chosen investment.

bureaucracy -- a system of government in which most of the important decisions are made by government officials rather than by individual investors. Censorship, limitation, and denial of the right to decide the investments I desire to own is destruction of innate freedom and inalienable rights. I must have the right to elect what is best for myself and my family, without hinderance from misled persons who imagine in vain that they know more about me and my family than I do.

I have owned leveraged ETFs for ten years. I have no need of government officials who have not owned these investments for ten years, therefore cannot claim that they know more and understand better than I how my investments work for me. Until you have walked a mile in my shoes, do not presume to know what I have learned in ten years. Your opinions are just that, not hard, cold facts, not the truth, just thoughts without basis in long term experience. You shall have no power over me.