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Francis Donnelly Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Francis Donnelly

I don't feel the government should be putting restrictions on my right to invest in common public investments. I understand that all investments have some inherit risk and the leveraged funds can be much more risky. I should not have to take a test or prove my net worth in order to be able to take part in these public funds. All of these funds release a prospectus that help investors make an informed decision on whether or not they want to buy in to them, where they made the past returns and volatility known. Leveraged funds
make up a small part of my portfolio because I know the risks but also know that it would be much more risky to take debt out on my own to buy more stocks. It helps me to take advantage of times when I feel that stock prices are rising. A leveraged fund helped me to triple part of my retirement fund in a short time period. I do not feel that I should be bared from participating in these or that these funds should become much more difficult to buy into.