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Fitzhugh Harmon Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Fitzhugh Harmon

I am new to Leveraged/Inverse ETF's and am learning how best to use them. I thought they were very very risky when I became aware of them several years ago.

I started small with $1,000 positions 2 ETF's 3x. I use them not to trade over day to day but as protection in times like now to make money in declining markets. I formerly used Mutual Funds for the same purpose but found them not to be effective for my purposes.

I have found the Inverse/Leveraged ETF's to be suitable for me, and as with any new Investment caution and moving in smaller increments is working out very well. For me as an individual Investor who uses Stocks, ETF's, Closed end Funds, and some Mutual Funds to grow my IRA in normal markets, I must have a suitable means to protect my money during bear markets. Without Leverage/Inverse Funds I would be helpless to protect my IRA compared to other options.

I am a self taught investor and having learned by making my share of mistakes- Inverse/Leveraged ETF's and Closed End Funds are valuable tools simple enough to understand and don't require OVER-Regulation, testing etc. Normal Warnings are quite sufficient for me to read and understand as is the case now. Please do not use such a heavy hand to protect me from me..