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Eugene Krueger Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Eugene Krueger

FINRA, as an experienced investor (or even as a new investor), I should be able to pick what I invest in. All investors know that they have to do their own due diligence before investing/trading. Doing due diligence has kept me from investing in some leveraged or inverse funds because they weren't what I was looking to hedge or were outside of my expertise. No one had to tell me this or protect me, I was able to figure it out myself. I have a college degree in accounting and am sufficiently capable of reading and understanding documents about what the investments are meant for. I do not need regulators further telling me how to conduct my life...let me have my freedom of choice. I've been trading/investing since 1984 but have also had a job as a tax advisor until I ran into age discrimination (and no one came to my aid then. I had to use my own wits and determination to move on) and now I am dependent upon my understanding and knowledge of inverse/leveraged funds to enhance my market earnings. It can be done, but having extra layers of work or discrimination layered upon me by some misguided regulators is insulting. Let people make their own decisions. We're all to familiar with what can happen when the government steps in with good intentions (the Fed currently) and we know what road to where is paved with good intentions. When the market has entered, for me, the proper waves (EWT) then I use inverse/leveraged funds to enhance my returns to provide me with some extra cash flow. I use them on a limited basis because I have read how they work and am able to think for myself. New interference from regulators would just slow that down and make more work for me and negatively affect my cash flow. So please stay out of my money and my head (haha). Thanks for taking the time to read this.