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Eric Wilson Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Eric Wilson

I urge you to reconsider any attempt to limit the available investment choices to the citizens of this country. We work hard for our money and have the right to invest in the assets of our choosing in order to grow and preserve our wealth.

Leveraged and inverse funds are especially helpful because they allow investors to limit their risk in declining markets. With an inverse fund, you can invest a substantially smaller portion of your portfolio and still achieve significant upside potential, leaving the rest in "safe" assets like money markets, government bonds, etc. WIthout access to such funds, investors would be required to put a much higher percentage of their net worth at risk than they might feel comfortable with.

Inverse funds are useful as a hedge in a declining market so that an investor can offset some of the losses in his or her overall portfolio.

Please do not pass any legislation that in any way inhibits our ability to invest in any publicly traded security.