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Eric Lellbach Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Eric Lellbach

Here we go again. Try to make it look like you are just trying to protect us since we can't possibly be smart enough to evaluate the funds. Thank goodness that the government and Wall street are here to save us. This is just a method to control the market. It has nothing to do with protecting individual investors. Why are you so concerned about funds but we can gamble as much as we want in Las Vegas. Please protect us from Vegas, for crying out loud, they give us alcohol. We should probably get a license for that as well. Why make it harder for people to take the initiative to improve their lives and keep the control with Wall street to big to fail.
Only the privileged few wiil have access to the market soon, making the wealth gap even larger. You need to do the opposite, you need to figure a way for people to get access to opportunities earlier, not limit them, if they don't have a lot of money.