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Eric Gradecki Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Eric Gradecki

I have been trading 3x leveraged funds for 12 years, namely TQQQ but many others including UDOW which I consider a very safe investment long term.

I started my journey investing when my companies pension plan was paid out. I received 17,568 dollars that I rolled into an IRA. I have grown that initial investment into hundreds of thousands of dollars for my family and myself for retirement. I wouldn't have been able to do this without having access to these leveraged funds. This wasn't luck. I spent countless hours reading books, watching youtube videos and reading popular investing websites. It was a part time job at first learning and putting the lessons to work in the real markets.

I feel individuals should have the same rights as I did when I first began my journey into investing. There are a lot of things you can learn about yourself while you're going through downturns in the market like the virtue of patience. There are also the times when things are really going well and you experience the euphoria of seeing your strategies, fundamental analysis, technical analysis and your patience pay off.

I know for example, Fidelity, there is a warning of what you are buying before you make a trade. We do not need more regulation, you are warned everytime you press the submit button. By regulating this to only allow wealthy investors to buy, you are shackling a large percentage of normal mom and pop investors which will be a disservice to the markets as a whole.

Facebook (FB) dropped almost 30% in one day. UDOW has never dropped 30% in one day yet UDOW would be regulated and FB would be available to investors? The notion this is being done to help investors is absurd and should not be allowed to happen.