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Eric Gailus Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Eric Gailus

I dont agree with adding restrictions on public investments. I like having a variety of fund vehicles that allow me to tailor different parts of my family portfolio to best align with our plans. I am planning to use some of these vehicles to hedge retirement withdrawals, so we won't be hammered by reverse-dollar-cost-averaging. New restrictions will not prevent irresponsible individuals from decimating their familys assets because their proclivities will cause them to gravitate towards even more risky investments such as gambling. All the online brokerages have links to instructional materials and analytic tools, plus they offer brokerage services to answer questions. Brokerages already impose limits on margin investments, and they offer tools to analyze and comment on the nature of your investments. The whole GameStop fiasco was created by funds manipulating the market, not by individual investors, so it would make more sense to require decision makers at institutions to sign-off on risky activities, and have personal scorecards to track their performance.