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Eric Dale Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Eric Dale

To whom it may concern:
I am writing to express my dismay that FINRA is considering regulations that may stop myself and untold numbers of other individual citizens in this country from being able to choose which public investments are best for ourselves and our families.
I shouldn't have to go through any special proscribed process such as passing a test before investing in public securities. I am thoroughly capable of understanding leveraged and inverse funds and their risks. Such regulations would impose an undue burden on myself and others.
In my personal investing I make use of ETFs and closed end funds, cryptocurrency funds, commodity funds, volatility-linked funds, emerging market funds. I am not a wealthy, millionaire investor, I am what the media usually refers to as an ordinary middleclass professional. I really don't need or want some governmental body imposing regulations on what I can and can't invest in.
And if you were to impose a level of wealth criteria (net worth) you would contribute mightily to the further divide within this country between the already wealthy and those aspiring to increase their wealth. That would be a true tragedy.
Thank you for your time.