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Eric Couillard Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Eric Couillard

The imposed regulations are disgraceful and a preposterous way of protecting investors from leverage. From a private investors perspective it looks like another malicious attempt to gate-keep new investors from the market. If your concern is protecting investors from over leveraging themselves than let them learn through experience rather than barriers. Simply put, these regulations would be an unfair and truly just an annoying way to limit the free market. Those who want to take leverage will do so through other means. Forcing new investors into using leverage through margin and other derivatives seems avaricious, and once again in favor of brokers & MMs. As someone who invests for a living, while maintaining other jobs, you would be hindering my livelihood and source of income. Gamblers will gamble regardless, and those who want to succeed in the market will learn. Please reconsider your approach to helping retail investors from themselves.