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Elias Haddad Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Elias Haddad

I would like the right to invest in my best interest - I am a small investor that can only invest small amount of money each week and I find that these inverse funds works perfectly. I don't find them to be anymore volatile than most tech stocks trading on the NASDAQ. I am not a day trader - I buy these inverse funds to hold depending on what I believe the economy will do. I have been doing this for years I know how they work. I dont know what your motovations are I suspect that the excuse to ban most ordinary citizens from trading these inverse funds is you want to protect us from ourselves - Well I could give you hundreds of suggestions on how you could protect investors like me - just a few - for one you could ban Bitcoins and all trading in that useless asset class that was invented basically out of some mathematicisn idea you cant buy anything with it - it will never replace the US currency or any other currency in the world. Secondly you might to spend your time trying to get rid of the Federal Reserve a entity set up to ensure that rich people will always stay rich by creating money out of thin air to manipulate all aspect of the market by buying stocks & bonds and bailing out banks , hedge funds big businesses and wealthy investors - by doing that they have allowed wall street firms and investor cartels to buy up real estate all over the country jack up rents price out the middle class of ever owing a house and created millions more improvished American and I can go on and on but whats the point the 1% and should should have it all - Instead of banning inverse funds why dont you ban margin trading - there are alot of people doing that that really can't afford it - I forgot the Federal Reserve it there to bail them out. My advise to FINRA don't try to pick winners and losers - I was taught growing that this was a free market - capitalism - what a joke - don't start following the Chinese by regulating the market and dictating weather the market goes up or down what stocks or investments will win or loose who can buy which stocks or products - The Chinese manipulate there markets constantly but wont go into all the details and I feel that is what FINRA is trying to do here.