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Edward Swope Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Edward Swope

I consider the proposed restrictions for individual investors to trade leveraged ETF's to be an egregious attack on my personal freedom. I do not need another Big Brother interfering to protect me from any perceived risk to my financial security. I am fully aware of the risk and use these instruments to hedge and protect myself from loses. The prospectus for every fund that I have invested in has made the risk clear. No one has encouraged me to make these types of investments primary to my portfolio.
It is insulting that anyone would presume to know more about what is good for my investing than I do. This is akin to government interference, regulation, and control that appears to benefit only the wealthy and elite. I wish that regulators (government or corporate) had as much true interest in protecting my constitutional freedoms as they often seem to smugly have in "protecting" me from the risk taking that makes America and so many entrepreneurs successful.
I abhor the insurrection that occurred at our nations capital and the attempts to subvert our Constitution but I wonder if real and perceived attacks on personal freedoms like the ones that FINRA is proposing have not fueled the resentment that has led us to where we are. Perhaps FINRA should wonder about this also before making an attack on individual freedom to invest.