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E Lim Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

E Lim

I'm an ordinary investor in my 50s and have been investing in leveraged and inverse ETFs for about a decade. As an adult and investor I should be able to invest in leveraged and inverse products without requiring me to jump thru hoops. Leveraged products should be treated like any other high risk stocks or instrument, i.e., raise the margin requirement but do not require any undue burden, eliminate, limit or require any special process or even testing for goodness sake. I am perfectly happy and capable of understanding these products given all the disclosures that are provided to me by the issuer, my broker and the internet. My broker already has more than a 50% margin requirement on these products. For goodness sake the product has been around for more than a decade why the sudden desire to restrict the product or maybe require testing? Really? What is wrong with you people? Let adults be adults.