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Dwayne Witten Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Dwayne Witten

Regarding my right to invest in leveraged and inverse funds.........................I oppose any further restrictions and / or requirements regarding my right to invest in any products in which I choose to invest. I have invested in leveraged and inverse funds for over 20 years and I do not believe that these products need to be regulated any further. I understand the risks and I believe that most people who invest in these types of funds also understand the risks. In fact, inverse funds act as a good hedge for market corrections and bear market as an alternative to cash. In addition, I should not have to be an 'accredited' investor in order to be able to invest in these products. Requiring some special process or 'test' should not be necessary and is simply more government intervention in an attempt to protect us from something that we do NOT need to protected from. ANYTHING is risky for someone who doesn't understand. Investing in Microsoft, Amazon, Apple or Treasury Bonds can also be risky. Are you going to further regulate those as well? Thank you for your consideration.