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Douglas VanTornhout Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Douglas VanTornhout

As a private investor, I am concerned that the proposed regulations in Notice #22-08 will unnecessarily limit the ability of private investors to effectively manage diverse portfolios.

Legal, publicly available investments should be available to all investors and not unnecessarily limited.

Investment product suppliers and managers should be required to provide extensive information to allow investors to make informed decisions. Investors should be allowed to review that material and make their own decisions. A structured test would be intrusive and unnecessary.

I, like many others, include leveraged and inverse funds in my portfolio as part of hedging and diversification strategies. I am capable of evaluating these funds and understanding the materials provided. Adding requirements to qualify me to make these decisions does not improve the decision process, it merely makes it more difficult.

I encourage you to reconsider these requirements. Ensuring complete information is appropriate but creating additional hurdles to effective portfolio construction is not needed.

Thank you for the opportunity to provide input to this process.