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Donald Ware Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08


I have been informed that you intend on restricting, impairing or preventing my ability to purchase and sell proshares inverse ETF funds such as QID. I am currently using them as a hedge against adverse market conditions. As, regulators I do not believe you should restrict my rights to invest or hedge my current portfolio. If you do so, you will financially damage my assets in a down market. Leveraged and inverse funds are an important component to my strategies to make money and prevent loss. If I am contacted by my brokerage firm to exit or prevent ownership of certain shares, I will contact my congressman for a full investigation and will recommend that my brokerage firm track any damages collectively in their clients accounts to report this to Congress and help if class actions by the investment community need to be done. How dare you do this to the country. You are to protect us and not harm us.