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Devin Warfield Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Devin Warfield

To Whom it May Concern: As an educated citizen of the United States of America, I should have the right to invest in securities that best suit myself and my family. Since I am educated, I have the ability and the responsibility to be informed about the positions I purchase and the investments I make. As such, I can benefit from the profits and bare the losses of my own decisions. The government should impose no restrictions on my rights to buy leveraged and inverse funds because I am responsible for my own actions. I currently use leveraged inverse investments to protect my assets. For example, in a recession lots of people could lose their jobs, causing them to be unable to pay for loans, mortgages, and necessities for their families. My ability to invest in inverse securities allows me to protect my income due to a job loss so I can continue paying on my debts. While these securities are not the bulk of my portfolio, they allow me the opportunity to protect what I have in the event that such a recession would occur. Please take these thoughts into consideration for Rule #S7-24-15.