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Denette Cicirelli Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Denette Cicirelli

To the regulatory committee members of FINRA trying to restrict investors: I am writing you to tell you I highly oppose, as well as being highly offended, that you are planning to regulate personal investing in complex stocks. That is a bold, radical, and unprecedented action that invades my personal freedom to CHOOSE what I do with my money, which I earn. I should be able to let MY MONEY work for me in any legal matter of my choosing. It is very audacious and impertinent of you to assume or question my intelligence level as if I do not know enough to protect my own wellbeing with my investment choices. As an adult, wage earning/tax paying citizen of the United States, I am sick to death of all the newly imposed regulations, red-tape, hoop jumping exercises which make things purposely difficult so they are abandoned, illogical mandates and freedom sucking restrictions that have become so prevalent and characteristic of this administration and its new world culture. I am not as unintelligent as you are worried that I am. No entity, governing body, or individual person for that matter, EVER HAD nor will EVER HAVE my best interest in mind for the sake of doing me an altruistic favor. I have lived long enough and have been observant enough to know if something/someone looks too good to be true, it most likely is false. And greed is usually the #1 motivator. Money has become God. People sell their mothers for it nowadays. Your proposed action is not to protect me from myself. It is to benefit somebody or something else with the freedom and potential earnings you want to take away from me. Put your energies toward battling the REAL forces of evilwall street, politicians, and big business where corruption runs rampant and accountability is unheard of. And dont forget to look in the mirror. If you dont have enough to do to keep busy and feel the need to regulate, start with the list above and leave the little guy, who is trying to make it to retirement without someone else reaching into his wallet for a handout, ALONE. As with most corruption, if this great little idea of yours go farther back in the hierarchy and youre just the muscle please tell whoever sent you for my money and my freedom Thanks but NO THANKS. There is a special circle of hell reserved with all their names on it. Denette R. Cicirelli Long time American, newly enlisted Freedom Fighter