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Debabrata DasGupta Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Debabrata DasGupta

I have invested in both leveraged and inverse funds for a long time. The leveraged funds increase my potential gain and inverse funds give me protection from downturns and I don't want the regulators to meddle with my investments unless they can show me investments that only make gains and never lose. Also, before proposing such regulations they should clearly state their objective and show us the facts and logic behind how the regulation will achieve it as well as their own qualifications and investment track record to formulate it. The bottom line is there are always risks in any investment and it is the investor's prerogative to accept those risks.

Also, why limit such regulations to leveraged and inverse funds alone? Are all other funds immune from potential losses? It is all a matter of buying and selling at proper times.

Finally, we are adults responsible for our actions and demand to be treated as such and the regulators must not be allowed to act as our guardians.