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Dawn Vezie Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Dawn Vezie

Please be advised that we the people have the right to decide what to invest in. It is gross discrimination to regulate public investments to be available only to the privileged, the already rich. This is the United States of America, where all have opportunities under the Constitution, which guarantees all to to be created equal, thus having equal opportunity. As individuals we don't want or need regulators to decide for us what we can or cannot invest in. Nor do we need to take a test or prove our worthiness to invest. We the people are free moral agents and should bear the responsibility to educate ourselves about what we can invest in. Our Constitution guarantees the God given right to the pursuit of Happiness. More regulations of this type would be in direct violation of this pursuit and right. Thank you for your consideration to this most important matter of the rights of the people of the United States of America.