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David Shanler Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

David Shanler

To whom it may concern.
I believe that current FINRA regulations are sufficient, if followed by investors, to protect investors from investing without knowledge of the specifications of various investments, including such investments that might be inverse in nature and/or leveraged.
The investor always has the choice to use a broker who is supposed to act in a fiduciary manner.
Personally, I use some leveraged closed end funds to enhance my dividends. I also use one inverse fund which will rise in value with rising government interest rates. In today's financial environment this is quite useful. Together, my CEF's and inverse funds make up less that 5% of my portfolio.
I do not think that people should be tested, nor asked to show financial status, nor be subject to any special process in order to invest in any type of investment. After all this is a public market.
There are enough financial regulations in place as it is.