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David Schwartz Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

David Schwartz

It should be up to individual investors to decide for themselves whether a particular product is appropriate for them to invest in. Having the inability to invest in complex funds or ETFs would limit me to actually beat the market . . . which it is why I use them as part of my investment strategy. Having to go through a special process in order to invest in such funds is like taking a test in order to drive a car. No one that I see on the road obeys the speed limit OR even Stops at a stop sign completely. A test in order to do something even if You pass, doesn't mean You'll actually perform a certain way. The same with taking a test to use a Leveraged fund, it doesn't mean the person is going to use it "correctly" just because they passed a couple of tests to do so. A leveraged fund needs to be understood and used according to an individual's strategy and no agency knows what an individual's strategy is except the individual....and if they do, we have a bigger problem.