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David Saul Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

David Saul

I invest in Leveraged ETF Options as a strategy and occasionally in the Leveraged ETF's themselves. I have been doing this for over 15 years. I have achieved a net profit every single year since Ive started using them regardless of whether the market is up or down. I strongly believe that I should be able to choose the investments that are right for me and that all public investments should be available for me to choose from. I should not have to go through any special process or pass any tests to invest in leveraged or inverse funds. I am fully capable of understanding how these funds work and all their risks. A primary way that I used these strategies is that I sell puts at a level that is 15% to 20% below the current strike price. I typically achieve a 1% average monthly income on my portfolio regardless of whether the market is going up or going down. This is an enhanced rate of return that I cannot achieve without using a leveraged ETF. Occasionally the leveraged ETF will be exercised when there is a quick dip in the marketing and then I either buy covered calls or I just wait a few weeks for the bounce that always occurs and then I get enhanced returns from selling the underlying stock at an enhanced profit. I do not want huge fluctuations in my portfolio each year, I do not like one year that has a positive 30% and another year a negative 10%. Using my strategy, I get a sustained 10% - 12% annually regardless of market volatility or direction. Thank you for your consideration.