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David McMillan Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

David McMillan

Dear FINRA Administrators: I understand that FINRA is considering limits to individual investment choice and I am strongly opposed to any such action. I believe individual choice should remain paramount and what any individual invests in should not be limited by government or administrators who think "they know better." Please remember, if I choose to invest in a leveraged fund - I am the one taking the risk - not the federal government. If I decide to invest in a target date fund that is my choice, If I choose to bury my money in a glass jar in the yard - that is my choice too. I have never had anyone from the government call me and offer to cover my investment losses - but I am certainly given the opportunity to share my gains in the form of taxes when I make money in an investment. As a taxpaying citizen and investor I am writing to ask you to focus your time and attention to something other than limiting individual investment choices. The ability for any individual to access market information and then make personal investment choices is a key element to having a population that does not have to rely on the government for aid as they get older. There are many things I wish you would work on - but limiting investment options is not one of them. The free market rewards and punishes risk takers - and individuals should make the choice of what level of risk they wish to accept. Please do not further limit individual investment choice so that only those who have billions have the opportunity to invest broadly - while those you determine to be less educated and sophisticated become marginalized.