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David Kumbera Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08


To whom this may concern. It has come to my attention that FINRA has proposed ne regulations that would limit my ability to invest in certain instruments, such as leveraged, or inverse funds. I am a truck driver who manages 80% of his investments. The proposed limitations/requirements would affectively lock me out of roughly 10/12% of my personal strategies that help me hedge against market fluctuations, thus protecting my capital. I am not a imbecile in need of "protection" from myself. I am fully capable of understanding leveraged instruments, derivatives and other types of investments. Those I do not I do not get involved in. This to me would be akin to requiring one to have a realistate agent to sell ones home. That too can be complicated. I do not use a realistate broker to make my decisions for me nor a licensed equities broker. I simply do not need one. My question is, who has lobbied FINRA for these proposed regulations? I urge you not to "protect" me from myself. I am an adult and fully capable of managing that task. I see no need to jump through any hoops to prove to FINRA or any other government agency to make investment decisions for myself.