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David Jou Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

David Jou

I oppose this restriction to my right to invest. Those with a high net worth have traditionally been able to invest and greatly increase their wealth. Having more wealth to invest also means that they have a lot more to lose which often applies to complex investments. These restrictions would also force the public to utilize a broker which not only incurs a cost, but often results in a much more conservative approach to investing. How can the public or older individuals invest for their future or retirement if there isn't an ability to increase their investments relatively quickly? Over the years, the public has been given increased access to the markets and it would be a travesty to turn around and restrict access to the people that are most likely to benefit from investing. I think some of the restrictions are reasonable, however. Reading certain materials and passing a regulator-approved test can be considered as I do believe many people do not fully understand the risks involved with leveraged and inverse products. Thank you for your time.