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David He Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

David He

We, retail investors, should have the freedom to choose the right public investment tools. Some people's losses should not limit other people's usage, and our ordinary investors should not be punished accordingly. Also, we understand the leveraged and inverse funds and their risks. There are lots of publicly available materials online and disclosures. After all, if one invests in something he/she does not understand, then even the investment in normal unleveraged stocks or ETFs can lose money, and it has nothing to do with leverage or inverse. Leveraged funds can boost returns when my view is correct, and I can always cut losses if my view is wrong. The inverse funds can help to hedge my risks. They are wonderful tools, and I do not know why retail investors cannot play with them. The restrictions on leveraged and inverse funds usage will severely limit my ability to make some money for my family to fight the inflation and keep up with the ever rising living costs. Finally, It is totally unfair that financial institutions can use them while retail investors cannot. So I strongly disagree with such restrictions. Thanks for your consideration!