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David Gedoun Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

David Gedoun

Dear FINRA, Hope the day finds you well. For 15 Years we have been restricted to Index Funds, Commodities, Currencies and Real Estate (Spouse is MD at Investment Banking Firm). The new restrictions Listed under Rule #S7-24-15 are worrisome as we will have even more limitations on where to invest our monies??? We are a household of MBA's, work hard and clearly understand that any purchase or investment has risk. This includes cars, boats, homes, equities (Both Long and Short), paintings, Crypto etc. Confirmed- one could lose everything or make money (Thats the Market). The Federal Reserve (which I love and respect), over the past two decades has artificially inflated asset prices (and inadvertently created new ones) with zero interest rate policy, QE and a $9 Trillion Balance Sheet. Markets go up with accommodation and down as they tighten so hedging other positions is mission critical. We trade intermittently (and we have NEVER leveraged margin). All of our accounts are in great standing, we do appreciate your concern. Please don't further penalize those that play by FINRA's rules. Make it a great day!