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David Ferguosn Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

David Ferguosn

It is my right and privilege to be able to invest in funds as I see fit to my investment strategy, to include inverse and leveraged funds. I should not be forced to pass any special tests or processes to be able to invest freely. After 13 years of the Fed funding the markets and over $7 trillion dollars on the Fed balance sheet creating an unprecedented rate of inflation, it is not ironic that the SEC is now considering restricting investment choices. There will be a price to pay for such intervention, it should not be those that choose to invest in inverse funds pay the price. The markets should be allowed to go down just as much as they are allowed to go up. Let the markets work the way they are supposed to - freely and stop trying to manipulate the outcome. Stop trying to take away the freedoms I fought for as a veteran.