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David Dominguez Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

David Dominguez

Dear regulators,

While I appreciate the concern about investor's wellbeing behind this potential move, the outright prohibition or hindering access to these instruments would have, in my honest opinion, just the opposite effect to that desired.

Leveraged and inverse funds are a core piece of the investment strategy of many small investors like me, that use them not in a reckless way but precisely for protection through hedging amongst other. This will be even more vital and necessary as we go through the current period of volatility (that will not be over soon) to protect the portfolios that we have patiently built over the years.

Furthermore, the imposition of those limitations runs contrary to the American spirit and general trends of freedom of choice. Education, education and education should instead be the answer, informing the investor and giving appropriate warnings without constraining in any way the final choice. Some of these are already in place and are what kept me away from leveraged and inverse funds until I built sufficient knowledge and wealth to start using these instruments successfully.

Thank you for your time.
