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Darren Wurz Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Darren Wurz

I--not you or other regulatory authorities--should be able to choose the investments suitable to me. Attempts to regulate and limit access to leveraged and inverse funds only harm equal opportunity and equality and do not level the playing field for investors. Requiring investors to meet certain requirements before accessing these products is a violation of liberty and the American way of life. If investors can invest in far more exotic and volatile investments such as unregulated cryptocurrencies, why are you seeking to limit access to leveraged and inverse products. This makes no sense. This is misguided and capricious. Leveraged and inverse funds are important to my investment strategies. I have used these products for years and they serve as valuable instruments for magnifying exposure to desired asset classes, hedging against other investments and market risk, and possibly enhancing returns. When used as a limited part of a diversified portfolio, these products are very useful and valuable. Hands off my investments!