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Darren Kahler Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Darren Kahler

I am an experienced, knowledgeable, and capable, investor. I should be able to choose the investments that are right for me, without government interference in the form of regulatory restrictions. Burdensome regulations would hit small individual investors like me the hardest, while institutional investment firms and very rich investors would retain yet another advantage (among the many that they already possess) - essentially enhancing their position of privilege, given the vast resources that they have at their disposal to comply with government regulations. I use leveraged ETFs to place small amounts of leverage on certain trading accounts from time to time. They also allow me to avoid "good faith" violations (due to unsettled balances), which obviates the need for me to set up and maintain accounts that utilize margin (i.e. debt with accruing interest). I utilize leveraged ETFs responsibly, and they provide me with a valuable trading tool that allows me to invest in a way that is right for me. I only use them for a small portion of my overall portfolio, and they present no danger for me - I have traded them responsibly and successfully for many years.