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Darren Dorsey Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Darren Dorsey

Hello - I am contacting you regarding recent communication I have received from my broker that may restrict my ability to invest in leveraged and other higher risk assets. I have spent the last two years studying these securities and understand them very well. I use well thought out risk management and diversity to ensure I would never lose a large sum of money in a major market move. For regulators to prevent me from investing as I wish is preventing someone like me with less capital than institutional investors to benefit from putting my hard earned money to work as I see fit. These investments have helped with my sons college and plan to continue helping him when he goes to dental school next year.

I formally oppose any restrictions on my investing techniques and hope mine and others can demonstrate that in todays world with easy access to high quality trading education that retail investors are more than capable of making our own investment and risk management decisions.

Thank your for your time.