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Daniel Walker Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08


I am opposed to any legislation preventing me from trading these types of securities. I have been trading options for 15 years, and have been trading leveraged and inverse etfs for at least 10 years. I know how they work and have studied these vehicles at length. I studied options and used practice accounts over 15 years ago before I ever used options. I use options and leveraged etfs as investment vehicles and as insurance/protection. I never put all my money in one investment. When I use options and leveraged etfs, I only use a certain percentage of my total portfolio. If inverse etfs are prohibited then I won't be able to protect myself in market downturns - is that why you're doing this? You don't want me to be able to protects myself. You want me to lose. This is egregious and outright criminal, trying to prevent me from investing how i choose. Commodities go up and down. If I cant invest for both long and short positions then I will always lose. This makes no sense for me, but maybe it makes sense to you because you want me to lose. Name one commodity, index or stock that has only gone up since it's beginning. If Apple stock drops by 20%, am I just supposed to take the loss? You're trying to prevent me from using puts as protection? What if the NASDAQ drops, shouldn't I be able to invest in inverse products or options to avoid loss and possibly profit? If I can't invest up and down, long and short, then I don't want to participate in your game, because it won't be fair. I will never invest in any stock, ETF, etc that I cannot trade long and short. And If I have a deep understanding of a particular index or commodity or stock, then I should also be able to buy options. I would be limited to buying a stock and just praying it always goes up. That is insane and only a fool would invest like that. I must have the ability to invest both long and short or I will quit your game altogether. I am a 48 year old adult. I was able to be drafted against my will to serve in the military and die for the USA. I have every right to trade etfs, leveraged etfs, options or securities. It is my choice. I do not need "protection" from strangers, who I do not know. I am opposed to any legislation preventing me from trading these types of securities. I am not a child.