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Daniel Rojo Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Daniel Rojo

I wholeheartedly disagree with any regulations that restrict my right to purchase leveraged investments. As a licensed CPA, with a Bachelors and Masters degree, working in a corporate finance department, I find it outlandish to propose such a policy that will limit the access of public investments to others due to the risk entailed (which is disclosed by brokers) or due to ones net worth. Net worth requirements that result in the restrictions of public investments are discriminatory. Investments have changed my life. Compounding interest has changed my life. With tech in bear market territory, the upside of leveraged investments are immense (i.e. TQQQ, TECL). To have such a proposal at this moment is life altering for many. Please focus on warnings and disclaimers, but do not forcefully take away my educated investments and opportunities. Thank you.