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Daniel Phillips Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Daniel Phillips

Hello, As a retail investor, I oppose any and all limits on what I am allowed to choose to invest in. I understand the risk of highly-leveraged and inverse ETFs and other derivatives, and I invest in them and trade them with full knowledge of what I'm getting into. I do so at my own risk and for my own self-determined reasons, and I strongly object to any limits being placed on my ability to trade or invest in them. Even though I only have limited funds - in fact, precisely because I have limited funds - I want to freely invest in these products, products like SPXL and SPXS, TQQQ and SQQQ, with as much or as little as I please, as often as I please. I implore you to maintain free and unfettered access to these products for all investors, regardless of my net worth, occupation, or level of formal education, specifically regarding investing and finance. It is my money, my choice, and nobody's business but my own. It is not anybody else's right to tell me that, in 'their view', I do not know what I'm doing. I assure you I do, and if you disagree with that as an investment strategy, for my life and circumstances, I'd tell you that your opinion is duly noted though what I choose to do with my money is none of your business. I assure you that I am in no way being 'duped', misled, or deceived in any way by the companies providing these investment vehicles. I know exactly how these vehicles work, the risks involved, and I continue to knowingly and willingly invest in them.