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Daniel Parodi Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Daniel Parodi

My personal income and livelihood is based on my access to a broad variety of public investments. As an active trader, I have learned to use a mix of these to produce a modest, reliable, steady income regardless of market conditions. Leveraged ETFs (inverse or otherwise) are critical tools that allow me to minimize my exposure and preserve my capital. I prefer these ETFs to more time-sensitive options that other, more sophisticated investors often use.

If access to these funds was to become more difficult or impossible, my income would suffer in unimagined ways. I would have to try and relearn skills that have taken me years to hone. As a retired professional, the prospect of this is a frightening threat to my long term planning and financial stability! Quite frankly, these proposed regulations scare the crap out of me.

Please let us invest our capital in ways we choose--I know of no other fundamental mechanism that has contributed more to the American economy than, well, capitalism. I appreciate your concern for us, but I can assure you, limiting the current choices we have to invest only stifles enterprising Americans from carving out a living in ways that best suit them and stunts our economic growth over the long term.

Thank you for reconsidering!