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Daniel Nargizian Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Daniel Nargizian

Comments:I have used various leveraged etf in conjunction with my stocks and mutual funds for years. Im an individual investor with a regular job. Anyone investing in this category is responsible to do their own research regarding the risks and benefits on the direction website. There is short but effective information readily available pertaining to the nature of these levaraged investments. As in all investments, one should accept the possibility that the entire investment might be a loss. I can give you at least 3 examples of companies in the last 20 years that went bankrupt and I lost my entire investment or stocks that lost up to 98% of their value in a short period of time . Yes, leverages funds increase the chances of experiencing greater loss but they also enhance your chances of making greater profits. In making the investment landscape accessible to everyone, it would be unfair to only allow these funds to the professionals. Instead, anyone interested in making a purchase of such funds can easily be directed to the website to watch a couple of short videos. That would be beneficial to the average investor. It would be more unfair to restrict the individual investor thus giving further advantage to the professional.